Design your employee experience as thoughtfully as you design your customer experience

Denise Lee Yohn op, december 2016. Bedrijven die hoog scoren op customer experience hebben 1,5 keer meer bevlogen medewerkers dan bedrijven die achterblijven op customer experience. Verdiep je in je eigen medewerkers en pas je HR-beleid hierop aan. Loop de 10 stappen van je employee experience door en verbind deze aan de verwachtingen van medewerkers en je brand.

Design Your Employee Experience as Thoughtfully as You Design Your Customer Experience


Temkin Group reports a correlation between employee engagement and success in customer experience. In its 2016 Employee Engagement Benchmark Study, the firm showed that companies that excel at customer experience have one-and-a-half times as many engaged employees as customer experience laggards do.

Applying customer experience strategy to employee experience begins with needs-based segmentation, grouping employees into clusters based on their wants and needs.  Most companies organize employees in standard groupings like job title, rank, department, business unit, or geography. But just as customer experience design requires a more nuanced understanding of customers than simple demographics or economic value, employee experience design should be based on employees’ drivers and desires.

Another tool HR can borrow from customer experience is the journey map, which outlines the steps customers go through in engaging with a company. This approach can be applied to employees through the employment life cycle as well:

  1. sourcing and recruiting
  2. pre-boarding
  3. onboarding (orientation and initial training)
  4. compensation and benefits
  5. ongoing learning and development
  6. ongoing engagement, communication, and community involvement
  7. rewards and recognition
  8. performance planning, feedback, and review
  9. advancement
  10. retirement, termination, or resignation

For each stage, we outlined the desired outcomes for the company and for the employee. Working through each stage and employee segment, we identified the gaps between the current experience and an experience that would address employees’ needs, cultivate the desired culture, and align with our business objectives and requirements.

The best customer experiences bring the company’s distinctive brand values and attributes to life, and the same is true of employee experiences. Companies should design them to align with the priorities and differentiators of their brands. For example, if a company wants its brand to be known for automation and speed, then the employees’ workplace environment, benefits, performance reviews, and so on should be technology-enabled and fast. If personalization and personal care is what distinguishes a brand, then the employee experience at that company should deliver on those values.

If a company attends to its employee experience with the same level of discipline and intention that it does to its customer experience, the results can be seen across the board. Employees are more satisfied, companies enjoy higher employee retention and other benefits, and customers get better service. The keys to customer experience excellence show companies how to succeed in the employee experience as well.

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